Perhaps you've just learned that your organization has announced a move from IBM Notes to Office 365.

Typically a migration in a large enterprise can take a long time. In some cases I am aware of 12-18 months or more. So what should you do in the mean time?

Getting Things Done In The Present

You already have the premier productivity tool for getting things done with IBM Lotus Notes - eProductivity. There are many excellent resources to help you on the eProductivity web site. If you work for Kaiser Permanente, be sure to visit the MAPMG eProductivity Community Page as well.

What about the announced plan to move from IBM Lotus Notes to Office 365?

If your company is switching in the future, you may be wondering if you should even bother to apply yourself to learn and use eProductivity.

I think you should, and here's why:

1. eProductivity is the tool you already have and it's helping people at around the world get things done faster and with less stress -- every day.
2. Even more important, eProductivity is teaching people a new way to work efficiently using the GTD methodology upon which it's based. Those skills can be transferred to any new tools in the future, including Office 365.

The more organized and efficient you can become before the migration, the easier that transition will be.

eProductivity is a win-win. You get things done now and you sharpen your skills to get things done in the future.

Still not convinced? This blog post answers the question: I heard we are moving away from IBM Lotus Notes, why should I bother with eProductivity until then?

What about eProductivity for Office 365?

I'm currently considering tools and services for users of Office 365, especially those who are forced to move from Notes and who want to maintain a trusted system to manage their projects, actions and information as they do now in eProductivity.

If that interests you, let me know.

Is there anything I can do to serve you? Do you have any questions? Let me know.


Eric Mack

Consultant and Facilitator for eProductivity at MAPMG
Workplace Performance, Productivity and Knowledge Systems

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"GTD®" and "Getting Things Done®" are registered trademarks of the David Allen Company. Lotus® and Lotus Notes® are registered trademarks of IBM Corporation.