Another customer story from the customer service inbox:

Working with eProductivity for me has increased the right  focus, handling and overview ojepüf my tasks and projects tremendously! A big advantage of the full integration with Lotus Notes is that I work within one platform and I don't need to go outside of my email system to process my to do's. I just love that! I'm using eProductivity now 2 years and it's integrated into my daily life. It's a must for me to have, to keep on top of all those things I have to do business wise but also privately.

Having such overview and knowing you have all of your work in a trusted system creates peace of mind.  It personally helped me to show more responsibility and accountability. If it was for me everybody and every company should use eProductivity as it really shifts your mind set and can change company culture in a positive way.

On top of this all the eProductivity team does a fantastic job in supporting me. If I have a question or a more difficult query, they always respond within a day and their response is always helpful. I work in a Customer Care environment myself, so I know how important it is to support the customer along the way, so I appreciate their approach a lot!

Fran K.,
Munich, Germany

If YOU have a story about your experience getting things done with eProductivity, we'd like to hear from you. If you're willing to allow us to share it on our blog/web site, please include that in your email.

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